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You Own It | Real Estate | Property | Real Estate Agents | Realtor | Broker In Charge

Aug 24, 2018

In the brokerage of residential real estate, it takes at least 10 years to build a reputation but only one day to lose it. That is why it is important to establish a mutual sense of trust with each person the moment they walk in your door.

Prior to becoming a principal, the CFO, and the Broker of The Grubb Company in...

Aug 15, 2018

Mitchell M. Merin


Mitch spent the majority of his career on Wall Street, holding senior management positions at securities and asset management firms that ranked among the world’s largest. At the time of his retirement in 2005, Mitch led Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM), one of the world's top...

Aug 2, 2018

Brian Copeland runs his own real estate team in Nashville, Tennessee. He was the 2017 President of Tennessee REALTORS and will serve as Vice President for NAR next year. Brian is one of a handful of Community Leadership Circle leaders globally for Facebook and has spent significant time speaking for the company and...